"Heute beginnt um 16.49 Uhr MESZ der astronomische Herbst" informiert mich astronomie.info. Passend zur Jahreszeit ist es kalt, schüttet wie aus Kübeln, windet und es ist neblig.
Astronomie.info informs me that autumn is starting at 16.49. The weather has the same opinion, it's grey, foggy, cold and raining cats and dogs.
4 Kommentare:
Ack! I had my hopes up that it would be warmer there than here. It has definitely turned chilly, though oddly we've had very little rain lately. We're actually heading to Switz in a couple of weeks to camp a few nights... I think we're going to freeze if the weather doesn't perk up!
Also, I love the names of your chickens. :)
Sprachlich abwechslungsreiche Namensgebung :)))
O, Sara, daring, daring, camping in October. I hope you've chosen one of the warmest spots in Switzerland, like the Basle region. But on the other hand, you could also be lucky with the weather, some years we're having an Indian Summer in October. But it could be freezing at nights. Pack warm stuff and good sleeping bags. Hope you'll tell me of your camping adventure!!!
Danke Sybille :)) Ja, wir leben eben im Sprachenmix :))
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